When you find out you’re pregnant, it can be really hard to know what to do. It is especially difficult when you live in a rural community in the White Mountains of Arizona.
Below are things you need to know as well as answers to common questions women ask when thinking about getting an abortion.
At no cost to you, we offer lab grade, urine pregnancy tests that are 97%–99% accurate. Make a confidential appointment with us for a pregnancy test.
Abortion costs differ depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy. If you don’t confirm the gestational age of your baby, there is great risk in taking the abortion pill on your own. You can get a free non–diagnostic ultrasound with us to confirm how far along you are.
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You deserve to be fully informed of what will happen to your body and the possible risks of getting either a surgical or chemical abortion. While we do not provide or refer for abortions, we do offer medically accurate information about abortion. Call us to get confidential answers to your questions.
An abortion can range from about $100 to hundreds of dollars. That can depend on the provider as well as how far along you are in your pregnancy.
You may have heard that the abortion pill is like a heavy period. In reality, it can be very painful, much like labor pains. A surgical abortion can also be painful with cramping after the procedure.
The abortion pill is a combination of two medicines taken separately: Mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone blocks the needed hormone progesterone to keep your pregnancy. Then, misoprostol causes cramping and empties your uterus. Typically, this happens over the course of a couple of days.
In 2024, Arizonans voted for a constitutional amendment regarding abortion. The act created a “fundamental right” to undergo an abortion up until fetal viability, which is considered 24 weeks or six months into the pregnancy. After six months, it is legal to undergo an abortion to protect the life, physical or menta health of the pregnant woman.